Our next talk/demo is on January 29th, 6 PM, at the Panama City ARC Clubhouse. The topic will be using the inexpensive NanoVNA analyzer with some practical antenna guidance. The presenter is Chris Bigelow VA3ECO. Chris will be available to discuss some of the more advanced applications of the NanoVNA afterward around 7 PM.
Panama City ARC has launched Beginners Academy. Our goal is to help new hams get started in the hobby. Our club members have volunteered to give short talks and demos on amateur radio topics for beginners. These talks will be on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 6 PM. However, for January, they will be on the 4th and the 5th Wednesdays. You do not have to be a member of our club or licensed to attend.
Ham Radio has come to the forefront since Hurricane Michael. Bay County Amateurs formed an Amateur Radio Emergency Organization, see baycountyares.org.
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NanoVNA see https://hackaday.com/2019/08/11/nanovna-is-a-50-vector-network-analyzer/ |