Tuesday, February 22, 2022

A Real Fox Hunt by Mark KD4IMA

Mark KD4IMA shares how he has been "Fox Hunting" his entire career with Fish and Wildlife. Fox Hunting is a common term for a direction-finding activity done by radio amateurs. Mark used similar techniques to track all kinds of fish and wildlife. This Beginner's Academy Talk was recorded on Feb 21st, 2022.


Thursday, February 17, 2022

Special Beginner's Academy Presentation: "A Real Fox Hunt" on Zoom Monday Feb 21st, 7:30 pm CDT

Tune in for a description of the similarities between amateur radio direction finding “fox hunts” and how wildlife biologists track wild animals. You’ll be surprised to know whooooo is on the air. Mark Cantrell KD4IMA will present. Mark is a Fish and Wildlife professional. Don't miss this one!

If you need a link to our Beginner Academy Zoom Meeting, please use the request form available on this website. If you are on a mobile device, use the web version link at the bottom of the page.


Sunday, February 6, 2022

The Panama City ARC Clubhouse Resumes In-Person Meetings

On the first Wednesday of the month, PCARC has its business meeting at 7 PM at the clubhouse at 130 N. Church Ave Panama City, FL. The remaining Wednesdays will be rag-chew meetings at the clubhouse. The club will open about 6:30 PM; if there are no takers by 7:15 PM, the clubhouse will close. Amateur license testing is available by appointment on the third Wednesday; contact Gary aj4ky@arrl.net. Note testing, if held, usually lasts until 7 PM on the third Wednesday. Members and guests are encouraged to use the measures available to minimize COVID risk. 

The club also has Beginner's Academy Zoom meetings on Mondays at 7:30 PM. If you don't have an invite link, request the link using the contact form on this website.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Ham Radio Winter Field Day at Pine Log State Forrest, Florida

Many Panama City ARC hams participated in the 2022 Winter Field Day; seven of those hams camped at Pine Log State Forrest near Ebro, Florida. Chris VA3ECO, a Panama City ARC club member, operated in snow-covered Ontario. Please see the photos below and more in this album.

Our Field Day Banner

Daniel K4MDA operating.

Frank KC8VKA demos his magnetic loop antenna.

Scott KF7MYF's TS-2000

KK4DIV's Campsite


Greg N4KGL's Icom 7300

Chris VA3ECO in Northern Ontario

In our Beginner's Academy Zoom meeting, Scott KF7MYF covered submitting an N3FJP Winter Field Day Log, CW with FLDIGI, and more. Also, Chris VA3ECO reports on his WFD in North Ontario.