Friday, March 11, 2011

Panama City Amateur Radio Club Tailgate April 9th

Panama City Amateur Radio Club Tailgate

Hours: Saturday April 9th  9 AM until 1 PM

Buy, Sell, or Trade Ham Radio Items
Tables available for $5 (first come first serve)

Location: PCARC Clubhouse
              130 N. Church Ave
              Panama City, FL

Talk In Repeater: W4RYZ 145.210 minus no tone.

Questions? Contact Greg Morrison KG4LFS 
Club Web Site:

Please pass on this announcement to all hams within 100 miles Panama City via email, nets or any other opportunity.

Greg Lane N4KGL
PCARC President

Hams help oppose HR 607 from taking away 420-440 MHz

Your prompt help to defend one of our amateur bands is urgently

You may have already heard that our 440 MHz band is being attacked by a
bill introduced into the US House of Representatives. In its current
form, HR 607 would take away the 420-440 MHz segment that is presently
allocated to Amateur Radio on a secondary basis as our 70 cm band.
Along with certain other segments not allocated to Amateur Radio, the
420-440 MHz segment would become part of a spectrum “give back”
involved in allocating 758-763 and 788-793 MHz for a Public Safety
broadband network.

The concept of this network has merit. Everyone wants first responders
to have the radio systems they need in order to protect themselves and
us. However, there is absolutely no need to take our 440 MHz band in
making it happen. We need to let our US Representatives know we oppose
the current form of HR 607.

Let your US Representative know you oppose the present bill, go to . Insert your call sign where
indicated and follow the simple instructions. The name and address of
your US Representative will automatically be put into the letter, as
will your name and address. It will be ready to be printed and signed.

Signed letters can be sent by fax or postal mail. They can also be
scanned into PDF format and e-mailed as a file attachment. 
Postal mail: John Chwat, Chwat & Co., 
Suite 103, 625 
Slaters Lane, 
Alexandria, VA 22314. 
Fax number: (703) 684-7594.

Do not send this letter or any letter about HR 607 to your US Senators
at this time. The bill is only in the US House of Representatives.
Letters sent on HR 607 to US Senators will merely waste their time and
demonstrate lack of knowledge of how our system of government works. 

WHY SHOULD the letter be mailed to John Chwat? There are two reasons.
First, all postal mail to members of the US House (and other government
bodies) is delayed 6 to 8 weeks in being searched for hazardous
materials that may be included in them. Second, Mr. Chwat will hand
carry and greatly increase the value of your individual letter by
combining it with others and delivering the stack of letters directly
to your Representative's office. This manner of delivery makes a
particular impact on our Congressmen.

If you feel it necessary to mail your letter directly to your
Representative, do it. However, please also send a signed copy of it
to Mr. Chwat for the reasons outlined above.

For your information, the letter generating utility will be open for
use by any US amateur for at least a couple of weeks.

For additional information see:

Thanks for your help and support in this important effort. Please let
me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Greg Sarratt, W4OZK
Director, Southeastern Division American Radio Relay League

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Harold KD4YDO meets friends at Orlando Hamfest

Here are some hams that I also met at the Orlando Hamfast. John, Virgin Island, works with the MMSN, Luis, Mexico, Inter-Con, w3zu, Fred, MMSN & Inter-Con, Inverness, Fl, Burnie, Orlando, MMSN ,and John, Orlando, MMSN. A bunch of great Hams.

Harold KD4YDO
John np2b, xe1l Luis, w3zu Freb, Burnie np2cb, John kg4rqo and Harold kd4ydo, in the middle.

See more photos here.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 7th Panama City ARC Monday Net and Repeater Challenge

The winner of the March 7th Repeater Challenge was KA4UOW Mike with 10 points. Also participating KI4ARJ 7 points and KJ4MAK 7 points

The challenge is one point for working someone on a Bay County 2 meter repeater. Four bonus points if they check into the Monday Net 7PM 145.210 No tone.

March 7th Net Checkins


Thanks for a good net.
Greg N4KGL

Thursday, March 3, 2011

D-STAR Presentation

Cameron Mackenzie K6CLM gave an excellent presentation on D-STAR capabilities to an audience of fourteen at the club on March 2nd.. The presentation included a live demo through an access point. We are much better informed. Cameron is active duty military and will be moving to California to pursue a masters degree. You may still catch him on a 2 meters in the near term and of course on D-STAR.