Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Our Amateur Radio Field Day at the Bay County EOC was covered by WJHG-TV News

The Panama City ARC and Bay County ARES members participated in the nationwide ARRL Field Day on June 24/25, 2023, from the Bay County Emergency Operations Center. The event was covered by WJHG-TV News and aired an interview with our Field Day Coordinator Scott Burnett, W7DIA.


Monday, June 5, 2023

WSJT-X ARRL Field Day Setup by Chris VA3ECO

Chris VA3ECO covers the WSJT-X FT8/FT4 configuration for ARRL Field Day. including an on-the-air demo. This was recorded during the June 5th, 2023, Beginner's Academy Zoom meeting.

N4KGL ARRL Field Day Plans and N1MM+ Networked Logging

Greg N4KGL and Rick NZ2I plan a Class B Battery Field Day at Eastbank Campground in Georgia. Two transmitters are planned so Networked logging with N1MM+ is easier than we thought. This was recorded at the June 5th, 2023, Beginner's Academy Zoom Meeting.