Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Spring into Outdoors Ham Radio

This video is a recording of our Beginner's Academy Zoom meeting on April 24th, 2022. We discuss getting outdoors with Ham Radio in particular opportunities around Northwest Florida. Thanks to Steve WG0AT and Bob KK4DIV for their excellent Youtube Videos that we included. Now is the time to get outdoors and operate. Also, consider your plans for ARRL Field Day the last full weekend of June.


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

The Panama City ARC April 9th Tailgate was well attended


I was pleasantly surprised by all of the support I saw at our spring tailgate on Saturday.  This gives me great encouragement that our club is on its way back. There were many in attendance to browse the equipment for sale, check out the portable station setups in the field or just socialize with each other.  I believe the club has a great future ahead of us with this showing of support.  Thank you all. 


President PCARC 

Left to Right: Lew KK4YPA, Bob WB4BLX, Mark KD4IMA, and Doug KF4PFZ. Photo by Jimmy K4KHV

Frank KC8VKA setup

Bob KK4DIV setup

Keys and Keyers for Sending Morse Code

This is a recorded Beginner's Academy talk from the April 11, 2022 session. We cover straight keys, paddles, electronic keyers, keyers in your radio, and CW with the N1MM contest logger.