Thursday, June 27, 2024

N4KGL's 2024 ARRL Field Day

For the 2024 ARRL Field Day, Rick NZ2I of Panama City and I operated from Eastbank Campground in Southwest Georgia on the East side of Lake Seminole. We were a two-operator, two-transmitter Class B Battery entry. We got 350 contacts for 3500 points plus 450 bonus points. The heat was brutal, but we still had fun. Here are some photos: I listed Panama City ARC as my club to help the aggregate score.


Greg N4KGL

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Bay County, FL Field Day June 22/23, 2024

The Bay County ARES Group will operate ARRL Field Day at the Alternate EOC at the Majette Community Center. A planning/info meeting will be at the Community Center at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 20th, 2024. The setup for Field Day will be from 8 am until noon on June 22nd. Field Day will start at 1 pm CDT and continue for 24 hours. All interested in ham radio are welcome to visit/participate. For more info on ARES, see

Field Day is ham radio's open house. Every June, more than 40,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio's science, skill and service to our communities and our nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event. Field Day has been an annual event since 1933, and remains the most popular event in ham radio.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

2024 ARRL Field Day Beginner's Guide

ARRL Field Day is the single most popular on-the-air event held annually in the US and Canada. On the fourth weekend of June of each year, thousands of radio amateurs gather with their clubs, groups, or simply with friends to operate from remote locations. Check out your local club's plans or camp out with a few friends.